Tuesday 1 June 2010

Get Bigger Biceps, Find Out here

When Starting out in weight lifting or bodybuilding, alot of people think by doing certain workouts that they will get ripped fast and bulk quickly, when simply its not the case. The key to getting those ripped biceps are down to a number of factors from:

  • What workouts are you doing to achieving ripped biceps?

  • Are you taking any supplements?

The second point brings me on to Supplements, Now you will notice that there are literally HUNDREDS of supplements you can pick from, but the question you have to answer is are they right for you?, the latest craze thats going around are a certain supplement that gives you the ability to get ripped fast, If you want to check it out click here

Now we have covered supplements lets move onto workouts. There are alot of bicep workouts avaliable for you to pick from, but if you want to get ripped fast You have to stay dedicated to your training and get a routine of exercises nailed down, now lets go over some workouts you can do.

Barbell Curls

Barbell curls are an excellent way of developing ripped biceps, a fundemental exercise for many people that are training. The key to barbell curls is getting the technique correct as many people that do this seem to not concerntrate there biceps whilst doing this. To start with the find the weight your most comftable with, pick the barbell up leaving it hang at arms length, now slowing lift the barbell inline with your shoulders and hold that position for a second and gradually leaver down to arms length again. I recommend doing this 2-3 times a week, 3 sets of 7-10 reps.

Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Dumbbell bicep curls are similar to barbell curls in the way that it works, the only difference is that they are more versatile as aposed to barbell curls. Like the barbell curls stand shoulder width apart, arms hanging, try and keep your elbows close to your torso, and lift the dumbells shoulder height, and slowly bring them down, repeat this process.

Concerntration Curls

The goal of concerntration curls is to get full concerntration of the biceps. The way this workout works is that it isolates the biceps as much as possible so that your in a position where the biceps are the main vocal point of the workout. Here is a video which clears up how it should be done:

Of course there are many other workouts you can choose from, but from the workouts ive shown you, these are the main ones you should intergrate into your training. With the supplements and training it will only be a matter of time until you get ripped fast.

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